Thursday, December 13, 2007

I have a serious problem!!!

Does anyone have the number to the local chapter of Beaders Anonymous? Oh, yeah! I guess if you do, you wouldn’t be very anonymous anymore ... as if what I’m doing is any great secret! Ha! It’s been pretty obvious since I started this blog where my sickness lies. Hm! OK. So, these gems ended up in my shopping cart at The Earth Bazaar. I have not bought individual gems from them before, so I’m curious to see if they look as good in person as they do on the photos, AND how do they compare to the full strands I’ve bought from them in the past? So, this is really research and NOT an obsession. Yes, that’s right.

Are you convinced yet?

Didn’t think so! Oh, well! All I can say is, I have plenty of materials to work with now. No excuses for not making stuff every chance I get.

Oh, and I didn't buy ALL these beads. Just one each of three of them and two of the faceted coin ones in the third picture. I already have an idea ... !

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